We had a relaxed morning getting up and going as we are going to walk around the top of the canyon.
When we arrived at the car park was fairly empty and did not look a lot of people there as it was 9:00am.
Start the climb up the canyon quite steep and we took it quite slow and steady.
When we arrived at the top it was very breath taking and really amazing that you could be somewhere quite extraordinary out in the middle of Australia.
The view was amazing and we did not walk fast as we wanted to take it all in and enjoy what was out here in the middle of now where.
Once we had finished about 3hrs later for took a short walk into the canyon which by then we were a bit dead and wanted something to eat as I think everyone was a bit hungry.
So off to have some lunch at the rest area.
Back to camp looking for some fire wood on the way so we can have a fire tonight. Bryan, Jason, Mika went and had a go on the quad bikes around Kings Creek Station.
Tomorrow is another day and it will just be as pack as today as we are off to the Rock.
We went to a show they had on the property for a couple of hours.
We went to a show they had on the property for a couple of hours.
Light weights we did Kings Canyon at the end of January with 40 degree heat!! we didnt need jackets :)